The Buddhas Teachings of The Four-Noble Truths

The Four-Noble Truths as taught by Shakyamuni Buddha.

Being the first sermon that Shakyamuni taught the Four-Noble Truths after his coming of enlightenment (an awakening to the truth of reality). There are many teachings that go into great depths and details about these truths, however, many of the teachings are biased by the teachers culture and religious beliefs and dogma. What I am presenting is my own views based on western culture, free of any sectarian dogma or lineages.

The truth of suffering

Simply put, “If you exist, you know suffering”. Even a God knows that one day they will die, just as stars will grow cold and wither-away, and galaxies unravel to become nothing but cosmic dust. In this; knowing you exist, is suffering.

The truth of the cause of suffering

The mental anguish of knowing of ones own existence creates ‘Wants and desires’. Ever so subtle, even the desire to not want to die, to not want others to die, and the longing to not be alone is enough to keep the cycle of rebirth going.

The truth of the end of suffering

To put out a fire, you simply extinguish it. The same principles are applied to the aspect of suffering, in that one extinguishes the ‘wants and desires’ that fuel suffering. With fire, removing the fuel, the air or the heat will extinguish it. Shakyamuni taught a means to extinguish suffering, and that leads to the last noble truth.

The truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering

Known in the West as ‘The Eight-fold path’ (The Path in Eight Parts), this path is most interesting in that one is to invest whole-hearty a devout faith and belief in the Four-Noble truths, but more so, a disposition and character that is invigorating and empowering, and a mind that is vigilant against false teachings that can lead one astray, yet the mind of strong resolve to penetrate the deep meaning of the Four-Noble Truths.


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